What Is A Sugar Daddy—A Simple Sugar Daddy Meaning

Nowadays, online relationships come in different forms, which is great, since a lot of people are looking for different things. If you wish to learn about wealthy men who seek young girls, you need to know what does sugar daddy mean.

Sugar daddy definition
Sugar daddy is a man who is usually in his late 30s or 40s, wealthy, handsome, and single. He is a man who wants to have fun with young and beautiful girls. And he is willing to spoil her by spending a lot of money on such relationships. Simple, isn’t it? But, what does daddy mean in a relationship? What are sugar daddy expectations and what do they look for? Well, they can look for serious or casual relationships. The most important thing is that they seek sugar babies—young girls who are ready to make some money in exchange for their attention and love!
How many sugar daddies are in the United States?
Sugar daddy is a rather popular state of mind. There are over 2.1 million sugar daddies living in the United States—a rather impressive number, isn’t it? Here are the top 5 states where you can find the most sugar daddies:
- California
- New York
- Texas
- Florida
- Massachusetts

What’s a sugar daddy—detailed statistics
While every single suga daddy is unique, most of them share a lot of similarities. The basic definition of a sugar daddy is the following: he is a generous person who enjoys supporting his partners. Usually, those are wealthy and successful men with an average annual income of $250,000+. A typical sugar daddy spends around $4,000–$5,000 per month on his sugar addiction. Most sugar daddies are heterosexual.
It is paramount to understand that sugar daddies are not old! They should be wealthy, no doubt about that. But an image of an old and lecherous man is a pure stereotype. The majority of guys who become sugar daddies are around 38–45. The majority of sugar daddies are involved in business, information technology, law, sales, and other high-paid career fields. And it is rather understandable, since being a sugar daddy is expensive!
Why do guys become sugar daddies?
The reasons can be different. However, the simplest answer is that men just want to have fun with the best girls available. They use their wealth to attract beautiful girls who want to be spoiled and cherished. It is essential not to confuse sugar relationships with prostitution or escort. A sugar baby can instantaneously end a relationship without any explanation because she doesn’t owe anything to a sugar daddy. Men become sugar daddies because they understand that they can get exactly what they want. And there is nothing wrong with that!
FIND OUT MORE—How To Become A Sugar Baby? Rules Of Sugar Dating World
Now you know what is sugar daddy. As you can see, since there are over 2 million active sugar daddies in the United States, the potential of finding the right girl for you is endless. There are even more sugar babies looking for the right sugar daddy. Maybe all these girls are looking for you?