How To Tell A Sugar Daddy What You Want: How To Ask Him For Money

Daddy, I need money! It’s not always easy to say something like that to your benefactor, especially if you are not an experienced sugar baby. However, every SB should feel comfortable when asking for pay per meet or a monthly allowance—after all, this is what sugar dating is about. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to ask sugar daddy for money and not feel bad about it.
How to tell a sugar daddy what you want?
Talking about money is not an optional part—it’s just necessary because you never know how much a sugar daddy is going to pay, what type of payment he’d prefer, and, after all, if he is a sugar daddy or a Splenda or much worse, a Salt daddy.

Splenda daddies are men who want to date a sugar baby but can’t afford to pay as much as sugar daddies usually pay. Salt daddies, in turn, are men who aren’t going to pay a cent—their main goal is to make a sugar baby meet them, sleep with them—after that, they just fade away.
Even experienced sugar babies note that they always bring up the subject before meet-and-greet. First and foremost, you need to realize that mentioning a sugar baby allowance is like asking a seller about the costs in a local store—that’s perfectly normal, you have the right to do it, and you can’t meet your main goal without doing it. There is nothing awkward or wrong about that.
So, you need to be reasonable when you are setting your minimum allowance. The sum depends on many factors like:
- Your circumstances and needs
- City you live in (the bigger the city, the bigger the allowance)
- Experience
- The generosity of your sugar daddy
And usually, the income of the daddy is not the indicator of the potential allowance. A sugar daddy can earn over $1 million per year, but he may have 2 kids that he supports after divorce, which results in less disposable money. And a daddy that is single and making around $300,000 can afford more. Moreover, one SD can have multiple SBs, which can also affect your allowance. You should always take into account what your sugar daddy can potentially afford when you are asking for an amount you want.
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How to ask your sugar daddy for money or an allowance?

So, how to ask sugar daddy for allowance? Here are some most useful tips.
- Get a bit closer first. Don’t start your conversation with “Hi, I want to get paid $500, pay per meet”. That’s just impolite. Have a small talk, find out if you may be good matches for each other. Yes, that takes time, but it’s necessary.
- Then remind yourself that you have the right to discuss financial conditions.
- Ask him what he expects from a relationship—there is a chance that he will mention how much he is going to pay. Moreover, he can mention intimacy—note that you have the right to wait until you are ready, sugar dating is not sex work, so if this is the only thing he wants, you should better look for another SD.
- Be direct, honest, and polite at the same time. Show him that you respect yourself and you respect him—don’t write anything like “Hey, I want 500 bucks, no more or less than that”. Good manners are one of the things that make an SB popular.
Also, if you don’t know when should I ask my sugar daddy for money, the clear safety rule is before any kind of intimacy. If it’s your first date bring up the money question more to the end of your date if your sugar daddy won’t bring it up earlier.
Try to find a sugar daddy and ask him for allowance. If what sugar daddies can be found on specialized sites, for example, Secret Benefits.
How much does the average sugar daddy pay?
How to ask your sugar daddy for money and how much should you actually charge? A typical allowance can be everywhere between $1,000 to $5,000 and can vary depending on relationship expectations, city, and any special conditions. Also, some sugar daddies have negotiable allowances, which means that your allowance can grow over time or that you can ask for a more considerable sum to cover your needs.
Find your own sugar daddy on of the best sugar daddy websites – Secret Benefits.
However, not all sugar daddies choose to pay an allowance, which usually implies a more long-term (2+ month) relationship. Those who want to have less commitment or are just out of the city a lot choose to pay per date. The sum an SB can get for a date is rarely negotiable (but it is still possible). Many sugar daddies love this way of payment as they can pay $500-$800 for a date and have less headache with all the negotiations, but daddies often give more money to the babies they like the most and shower them with gifts.
3 Safest methods to get money from sugar daddy
There are lots of sugar baby scam types but we won’t talk about them here—the point is, you only need to follow these 2 simple rules to minimize the risks:
- First of all, never reveal your CVV/CVC code (three-digit code located on the back of your credit card) or your Paypal password.
- Second, do not reveal personal information before you meet a sugar daddy—unfortunately, there are lots of scammers who would gladly blackmail you.
Now, let’s talk about the safest methods of receiving your allowance.
- Cash. Cash is untraceable—that’s the main reason why both daddies and babies prefer cash. However, it’s also not that perfect; and the main problem is that, well, it often feels kinda awkward when you get cash after or before the date. Besides that, getting thousands of dollars in cash every single month can be quite difficult to manage. But still, it’s the #1 option for any sugar baby.
- Bank deposit. It’s easy and fast, and it’s secure and safe. You just give a daddy the name of your bank, your name, and your bank number, and voila, it’s done. The problem is obvious here, too—taxes. All the transactions over $10K are reported to the IRS, and you need to understand it.
- System like Paypal. The pros are the same as for the bank deposit (speed and convenience), as well as the cons—once you receive more than $20,000 in gross payment volume in a year, the IRS is triggered.
FIND OUT MORE—How To Become A Sugar Baby? Rules Of Sugar Dating World
Final thoughts
Now you know how to ask your sugar daddy for money or an allowance. As you can see, it’s not that hard. Moreover, you’ll get used to it—otherwise, you’ll hardly be able to be a popular and therefore, wealthy sugar baby.